• I just had a visit with my dentist. I had no plaque and no gingivitis. The hygentist told me I had no bleeding when she cleaned my teeth. She was amazed. I told her I have been using Pam’s Touch Pearl toothpaste. She had never heard of it. She wrote it down and said ahe was going to look for it online. Thank you so much! At 60 years old, most people have at least some gingivitis. I will continue to use Pam’s Touch Pearl Toothpaste.

  • I agree with the above poster. I have been searching for years for a good, fluoride free toothpaste with tarter and plaque control. Search no more- try Pam’s Pearl Teethpaste! After only using the teethpaste for 2.5 months- when I had my teeth cleaned a few weeks ago, there was hardly any blood on the small gauze pad the hygienist used! And barely any tarter! So I am hooked on Pam’s Teethpaste! Next I’ll report on my husbands results in a few months from now.

    Carol Knapp
  • I have used traditional toothpastes like Crest and Colgate my entire life. I never considered changing to an alternative toothpaste, let alone one without fluoride . My son is into healthy foods and natural products. He happened to run across a product called Pearl Teethpaste on Facebook. He received a free sample and liked it so much that he suggested I give it a try. I must say that it wasn’t what I was used to—it looked different, tasted different, even smelled different. And it came in a glass jar. But my son told me about the health benefits so I figured why not use it for a few days. Guess what? I’ve now been using it for six months. It didn’t take long to adapt to the texture and taste, so much so that I have no desire to go back to traditional toothpaste. I am amazed at how clean my teeth feel after brushing. I have always had extremely sensitive gums and they frequently bleed when I brush. I’ve used sensitive toothbrushes as well as enamel sensitive toothpaste. Although these things have helped to some degree, I no longer have this problem. Every time I go to the dentist now, instead of the awkward exchange about how I need to brush better (and I know I’m a great brusher!), I get to hear about how good my teeth and gums look! And one more thing. When I order a 4 oz. jar, I pay $12 for the Teethpaste and about $3 for shipping. A jar lasts me about a month (brushing twice a day). Given the quality of the ingredients and the fact that it is homemade, I believe this is a fair price.

    Debra Rogers

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