The Relationship Between Food and Sickness

“America, land of the free? It is a myth!
Most babies born in America today do not have the freedom to breathe poison-free air.
Most babies born in America today do not have the freedom to drink poison-free water.
Most babies born in America do not have the freedom to eat poison-free food…
As a result of the loss of these freedoms, most babies born in America do not have the freedom to be healthy…
America is one of the sickest and worst-fed nations on earth. All types of metabolic diseases are increasing at an alarming rate. Billions of dollars have been spent in an effort to control cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other metabolic diseases; yet all these diseases continue to increase, and almost nothing is being done to prevent them. The single greatest cause of metabolic disease is malnutrition and the poisons in our food. We are facing a metabolic, as well as ecological, crisis.”
Joe D. Nichols, M.D.
Please, Doctor, Do Something!
A Modern Physician Looks at Nutrition and Health
Wow! These words written over 40 years ago by Dr. Nichols in his autobiography seem just as apropos today. Dr. Nichols, who graduated from the University of Arkansas Medical school in 1933, practiced medicine and surgery in the small town of Atlanta, Texas for many years. At the age of 37, he had a heart attack and almost died. But paradoxically, the experience saved his life. Out of the agony and travail of that personal crisis and subsequent intellectual odyssey, he learned why we are a nation of sick people, and what we can do about it.
My philosophy about food is fairly simple and mirrors what Dr. Nichols learned and wrote about. I believe that sickness results from mineral deficiencies and chemicals and poisons in our food and environment. The soil needs to be rich in minerals and the plants free of pesticides. Leafy green vegetables (spinach, lettuce, kale, chard, cilantro, etc) that are blenderized are the best source of minerals, fiber, and chlorophyll. A so-called green smoothie has been around a long time. I first began to understand its importance when I read Victoria Boutenko’s book Green For Life. I and my family have utilized the green smoothie for years. My husband was more into meat and potatoes but liked a good salad and some vegetables. My three boys, all of whom are in their 20s, were fast food junkies. It is an understatement to say that they would not eat anything that tasted bad, no matter how good it was for their health. But I persevered and have developed a green smoothie that they all drink on a regular basis. In our family, the smoothie is used to supplement meals. We are not vegans or vegetarians but eat meat only occasionally that is grass-fed/organic. We try to eat at home as often as possible but still enjoy dining out. When I cook, it is fresh and organic. We grow many of the vegetables we eat. I make my own salad dressing.  Of equal importance is learning what not to eat. One of the hardest things for me has been convincing my kids that what they eat and their eating habits will likely impact their health when they get older.
I fully understand how much information and advice is available on healthy eating and living, weight loss, exercise, dietary supplements, etc. I also appreciate that everyone does not have the same resources (eg money, land, fertile soil) and the same amount of time. Everyone must decide how much they are willing to invest in their health. I hope to educate folks on the importance of their diet and offer some simple recipes that have stood the test of time in our family.

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